Sunday 19 July 2015

Saturday 11th July - Home!

Saturday 11th July

Today we drove home! But before we got home Mum and I went fabric shoping while Dad and Caleb bought a cake for after lunch. For lunch we went to my great great Aunty.

Mum's note:
Aunty Dorothy (my mother's maternal aunt) shares my passion for quilting, so I had a lovely time catching up with all her latest projects and hearing about her family. Karoonda has an enormous patchwork store, at least relative to the population of Karoonda.
Talking quilting......
And there endeth both the holiday and the blog. We hope you enjoyed our journey and thanks to everyone who followed us and/or left comments. We enjoyed having you along.


  1. Loved seeing all your travels & news, great effort!

  2. It is always fun to be with someone who shares the same the quilt blocks
