Friday 17 July 2015

Thursday 9th July - Berri

Thursday 9th July

On Thursday we drove from Broken Hill to Berri. At Berri we booked two nights. When the caravan was getting put up Caleb and I got walked to the bouncy pillow by mum.
This is an old jail we went to.
After 1\2 an hour a soccer club just tramped on with out saying excuse me and just made me, Caleb and the other kids get off!

Mum's note:
On the way to Berri we stopped at Wentworth. At Wentworth we saw where the Murray River joins the Darling River. 
The Murray River and the Darling River junction.
Then we explored the Wentworth Gaol, which also served as a school building after it was decommissioned as a penitentiary. Caleb was fascinated with the idea of being shackled to a tree as a form of punishment and asked to have his arms shackled as well.....
Caleb trying on the shackles at the Wentworth Gaol.
Isabel liked the peppercorn tree in the exercise yard. The tree remains from the period when the complex was used as a school.
Isabel and Caleb enjoying the peppercorn corn tree inside the Wentworth Gaol.

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