Thursday 16 July 2015

Sunday 5th July - Charleville

Sunday 5th July

On Sunday we went yabbying. Yabbying is when you catch yabby in this case we didn't put our hands in the water we pulled in yabby nets and hopefully there will be yabbies in the nets and we got really big ones too! When we had checked all the nets we went back to the caravan park to boil them.
This is Caleb pulling in a yabbie net.
This is a fish we caught called a yellow belly.    
This is me pulling a yabbie net. 
This is the bucket of yabbies after we finished  
This is a hypnotised yabby.
Mum notes:
The yabbies were Blue Claw Yabbies, and very delicious. The yellow belly fish was still alive and happy, and got a second chance at life. Apparently it will also be delicious when it is much bigger!
After yabbying, Craig showed us around some more of his property and we got to see waste stone flints still lying around indigenous camp spots, the old Cobb and Co. track and the site where the King brothers made their landing.
Isabel holding a stone flake we found that has is serrated, used as a knife by the original locals.
The old Cobb and Co. Mail Coach road.
The remains of a bridge on the old Cobb and Co. mail route road.
Ross and Keith Smith landed here in 1919 in the London to Darwin Great Air Race.

After we had eaten the yabbies we said goodbye to the Evening Star Caravan Park and drove on to Bourke.
Hard to miss on the way in, but easy to miss once you've left.... Highly recommended.

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