Friday 17 July 2015

Wednesday 8th July - Broken Hill

Wednesday 8th July

On Wednesday we went to a mine tour at Day Dream Mine. (Day Dream Mine is called Day Dream because a man had a nap under a tree and when he woke up the ore was staring at him and he thought he was day dreaming). On the tour we wore hard hats with lights on but only when we went underground. But before the tour we got to have scones
This is with my hat on.
with strawberry jam and cream on but Mum got a coffee and Caleb and I got warm Milos. After the tour we went the Pro Hart's art galley. I learnt artists that make art can also make jewellery.
This is a car that Pro Hart painted.
This is a sculpture that Pro Hart made. 
Mum's note:
The Daydream Mine is near Silverton. The main ore that they were chasing was galena, which yields lead and a small percentage of highly profitable silver. We learned about carbide lamps, about where the term "crib" came from (the miners meal break was spent playing card games, such as cribbage, and therefore the break became known as crib) and how boys as young as 8 were employed underground. After the mine tour we went into Silverton for afternoon tea and a look around. Silverton has featured in a surprising number of movies, including Mad Max 2.
Galena in situ.
A carbide lantern and thermos.
Paul and Caleb underground.
The Silverton Hotel, a popular movie location.
At Pro Hart's Gallery Isabel and I both liked the "dragonfly on carpet" painting the best. After we went to Pro Hart's Gallery we went out to the Broken Hill sculptures.
Isabel's favourite sculpture with Aboriginal motifs carved into the rock.
Dad, Isabel and Caleb walking around the sculptures.
I like the horse head sculpture.

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