Monday 6 July 2015

Wednesday 24th June - Green Island

Wednesday 24th June

On Wednesday we went to Green Island. At Green Island we went to the beach. After the beach we went on a semi-sub.
This is the semi-sub.
In the semi-sub we saw lots of fish, coral and anemones and even a green sea turtle too!
These are some fish we saw in the semi-sub.
Here are some smaller fish we saw in the semi-sub.
After we went on the semi-sub we went on a glass bottom boat in the bottom boat we saw every thing we saw in the semi-sub. After the glass bottom boat we went back to the beach and we had a swim and dad found a shark siting on the sea bed. I learnt that soft corals are not fragile at all but the hard coral is.
These are some fish that we saw in the glass bottom boat.
These are some more fishes we saw in the glass bottom boat.
Here are some more glass bottom boat fish. Can you see them?
This is fish trying to get food.
This is a rainbow we saw on the way to Green Island.
Mum's note:
When Dad went snorkelling he also saw parrotfish eating algae off the coral. While snorkelling, Mum saw a large cone snail heaving its shell along the sand and also a bluespotted stingray gracefully swimming past as if it was flying. On the glass-bottom boat we also saw sea cucumbers, giant clams and burrowing clams.

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