Saturday 11 July 2015

Wednesday 1st July - Charleville

Wednesday 1st July

On Wednesday we drove to a caravan park 8km from Charleville called the Evening Star. On the way we saw a teddy crossing sign in Tambo. 
This is a teddy-bear crossing sign. 
We also saw fossilised wood in Alpha. At lunch time Caleb found two kookaburra feathers.
This is petrified wood.
Mum's note:
Before we left Rubyvale caravan park this morning we feed the rainbow lorikeets some apple. 
Rainbow lorikeets REALLY like apple!
And Caleb has just removed pirate from his career choice list.....
We had lunch in Alpha. Alpha has (by far) the cheapest bakery we have come across in our travels, yet nicer food than most. We certainly regretted packing sandwiches today, but enjoyed our sticky buns nonetheless.
While we had lunch in Alpha we were joined by a flock of Apostlebirds (also known as Happy Jacks).
These birds have a serious lack of need for personal space.....
Alpha also has some pretty impressive murals.
We stopped in Tambo long enough for Paul to take a conference call. In this time, Isabel managed to teach Caleb how to swing upside down on the playground, a feat that they were both very proud of.
Caleb showing off his new skill!
Tambo is also Bottle Tree country.
On our way out of Tambo we found this very fun sculpture. I especially like the hood ornament.
The most excellent kind of road train!
Complete with fun hood ornament to brighten your day!

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