Thursday 16 July 2015

Tuesday 7th July - Broken Hill

Tuesday 7th July

On Tuesday we went to the Information Centre and Caleb bought a naughty plastic spider and then we  had lunch. Then we went to a mineral museum with a giant silver nugget and a tree entirely made of silver.
This is the big silver nugget.
This is a case of glowing rocks.
After the mineral museum we went to the milk bar to have  spider drink I had lemon flavour with vanilla ice cream it was very yummy.
This is me having my spider.
Mum's note:
Today we are looking around Broken Hill. We were going to try a couple of art galleries, but Isabel spotted the Albert Kersten Mining and Mineral Museum, so we did that first. The very large native silver nugget (pictured) and the silver tree (photos banned) were indeed both quite impressive. The "glowing rocks" are under a black light and fluoresce various colours. There were also many different crystals and ores from the local mines. 
The spiders (of the drinkable, non-naughty variety) were sampled at Bells Milk Bar, which also has a lot of 1950's nostalgia and an arcade game from the 80s. Paul and the smaller kids had a wonderful time playing Pac Man and Space Invaders.
Paul and the kids playing arcade games.
Paul did eventually let them have a turn, if you were wondering.

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