Monday 29 June 2015

Tuesday 23rd June - Daintree Rainforest

Tuesday 23rd June

On Tuesday we went on two rainforest walks.
This is a frog that we saw in morning.
This is a baby turtle. Can you see it?
On the second rainforest walk we saw a strangler fig that had curled around another tree and the other tree had rotted away to make a funnhollow bit in the middle.
This is the funny tree.
Here are some other things we saw.
This is a catapiller that looks like loon bands.
This is a brushturkey or a orange-footed scrubfowl mound.
This is a vine.
Mum's note:
We had a lovely time in the Daintree, it is so Alive. Apart from all the creatures and plants mentioned by Isabel we also saw lots of brushturkeys, a orange-footed scrubfowl, jungle perch and other fish, mud crabs, and a Birdwing butterfly. We are not sure whether the mound belongs to the brushtrukey or scrubfowl, as both belong to the megapode family that build such nests.
Mud crabs in the mangroves.
A cricket (or similar) that Caleb found.
No prizes for guessing why the turtles here are named Saw-backed turtles.
After the mangrove walk the kids played on the beach for a while. Caleb built a sand volcano, which then proceeded to erupt ash and lava over the area marked by the roughed-up sand. His mission? "It's Pompeii, of course!"
Caleb helping the volcano destroy Pompeii.
Finally, on the way back to Cairns, I couldn't resist taking a photo of this little act of vandalism that tickled my funny bone....
And no, we didn't see any cassowaries in either pose. 

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