Thursday 4 June 2015

Saturday 30th May - Lightning Ridge

Saturday 30th May

On Saturday we went for a real mine tour. All the mines I've been in are real but this one was real because it had a owner and it's owner is still mining in it.
This is me in the real mine.
After the mine tour we watched a video about miners. After the video we got offered a biscuit and mum a coffee while we were eating our biscuits a possum came because he wanted to have a biscuit.
This is the possum.

This is the possum getting a biscuit.
These are in an opal centre. They are false teeth with opals in. 
Mum's note:
After the mine tour at The Big Opal we had a fossick in the adjacent fossicking pile and found quite a few small pieces of nice colour.
Fossicking at the Big Opal Mine.
Then we went for a look in the Australian Opal Centre, which is where Harold Hodge's false teeth are kept (shown above). We also saw opalised fossil shells, bones and wood.
Opalised fossil sea shells.
Fossilised wood with opal inclusions.
At the end of the day we went out to Nettleton Point, and played in the labyrinth of stones. We also saw a house made of cans and bottles. Then we went back to the spa. Ahhhhhh.
In the centre of the stone Labyrinth.
Nearly out again.
The bottle and can house near Nettleton's first shaft.
Inside the bottle and can house.

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic! Love the labyrinth. Great images. Although not too sure about those teeth!
