Wednesday 24 June 2015

Wednesday 17th June - Normanton

Wednesday 17th June

On Wednesday we drove to Normanton but on the way we stopped for a snack (for the snack we could have peanuts or apples). When we got to Normanton we went to a train station and we saw a little old green train and a Moonlander and the Moonlander still rolls.
This is me with a old green train.
This is the Moonlander.
After we went to the train station we found a caravan park. After we set up the caravan we went to get take a way for dinner. We went to a park that has a replica of a really big croc for dinner. ( The croc's name is Krys.)
This is Krys.
This is me getting eaten by Krys. 
Mum's notes:
On the way to Normanton the termite mounds changed colour. In places they were so prevalant and pale that the plains looked liked massive cemeteries.
More termite mounds.
The Normanton Train Stain houses the Gulflander train. We didn't see the Gulflander, as it goes to Croyden on Wednesdays. However we did see the historic sleepers made by Mr George Phillips, each is a steel tube filled with mud. The beauty of using these sleepers is that the track does not need ballast (clinker) and that it can be submersed without damage. Many of these sleepers are 120 yrs old.
Low cost, durable railway line.
A hollow iron sleeper filled with mud.
Krys is the largest croc ever hunted (let's be honest here - the largest verified catch). Krys is in the Guinness Book of Records.
Caleb was the first to call Krys' bluff.....


  1. So did anyone lose a head? Do I need to start looking for a new Niece and Nephew?

    1. No one lost their head because it's only a statue. ooo Isabel
