Thursday 25 June 2015

Thursday 18th June - Croydon

Thursday 18th June

On Thursday we went for a swim but I and Caleb can't touch the bottom of the pool so we went in the spa. I like the spa because it is nice and warm.
This is me, Dad and Caleb.
After a long drive we went to an Information Centre. At the Information Centre we watched a video. After we went to the Information Centre we went to a old court house at the court house there were wooden people that talk. After the court house we went to an old jail that has a pretend person that when you make a loud noise it goes ''who are you? are you going to let me out?".
This is the pretend person.
This is the criminal.
Mum's notes:
After our early morning swim, we stopped at the Big Barra on the way out of Normanton.
Isabel and the Big Barra.
We have had an amazing wildlife day today. On the road to Croydon we saw a white-bellied sea eagle eating carrion on the road, a good-sized goanna rushing across the road in front of us and we passed by the Gulflander train returning to Normanton.
A picture of the Gulflander train.
In Croydon we were treated to a shaky paw lizard basking on a monument. This is a little lizard that darts away from you, stops suddenly and raises one of its front paws and shakes it vigorously for a second. Then it stands there looking at you. Very curious.
The shaky paw lizard. He is possibly my new favourite species of lizard.
The Information Centre and Court House described by Isabel were also in Croydon. They have a number of historic houses open to the public for free inspection including the Town Hall. The town hall was quite a curiosity to the kids as they had no idea what it was for! Growing up in a small country town, it never occurred to me that our city kids had never really experienced shared facilities like this.
These guys are scattered around the seating in Croydon. Cheeky! 
Croydon Town Hall.
The lady in the dock was accused of being drunk and disorderly, on her own premises, no less. For her offence she received 2 months jail time. This was exactly the same sentence received as the chinese man heard before her. He had been growing and supplying opium....
Tonight we are in Mt. Surprise.

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