Sunday 14 June 2015

Tuesday 9th June - Townsville

Tuesday 9th June

On Tuesday it was mum's birthday so in the morning we gave mum presents. Caleb gave mum some art and I gave mum some opal. Then we went on a BIG drive to Townsville. The caravan park we're staying in now is a BIG 4 with a bouncy pillow AND a swimming pool.
This is Caleb, Dad and I Bouncing on the bouncy pillow.
Mum's note:
On the way to Townsville we stopped at Pentland at the Post Office/Cafe for lunch.
Caleb writing postcards at Pentland.
On the way to Townsville it rained. So much for "Sunny Queensland"! We saw lots of termite mounds on the way. We had a nice evening out at a Thai restaurant in Townsville to celebrate Dione's birthday. And we saw lots of geckos. We like geckos.
Happy Birthday Me!
The Boulder Opal rock that Isabel found at Winton and saved for my birthday.
Thanks sweetie! xxxooo

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