Saturday 16 May 2015

Saturday 16th May - Mt. Kosciuszko

Saturday 16th May

On Saturday we went into the mountains to see snow. When we got there we saw LOTS of snow. We had the biggest snow ball fight ever. Dad made a Snow-man and an Igloo. 

I helped dress this Snow man
After the snow we had lunch. Mum , Dad and Caleb had a Burger I had fish and chips. After lunch we went back to the caravan park. Caleb and I played on the trampoline that is in the caravan park.  
Mum's note:
We went to Perisher, where we had a lovely time in the snow. After lunch we continued up to Charlotte's Pass and looked out over the highest point in Australia - Mt. Kosciuszko (2228m). The view was amazing, as was the scenery with the snow on the bushes and Snow Gums.
Mt. Kosciuszko May 16, 2015 
200-300 year-old Snow Gum.

Boardwalk to Charlotte's Pass lookout.
We are so very fortunate. Last week there was unseasonably cold and horrid weather that brought the snow. Now, although cold at night (-2ยบC), it is beautiful and sunny during the day with above average temperatures, so we have the best of both worlds!
Snow fight!
Isabel's hand print.

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