Monday 25 May 2015

Wednesday 20th May - Yass

Wednesday 20th May

On Wednesday we we to the Dinosaur Museum in Canberra. There was lots of moving dinosaurs including people sensing dinosaurs.

This is Dad with a people sensing Spinosaurus.
We saw lots of fossilised tree, a big blob of dinosaur coprolite, lots of marine Reptiles, lot and lots of Ammonites and lots of Trilobites.

These are giant Ammonites

This is a Russian Trilobite.
I leant that Cassowaries are practically living dinosaurs because they can use their crest to kill you by scooping out your guts.
This is me riding a Dinosaur.

Mum's note:
We are currently staying in Yass. However, we returned to Canberra for one last day trip. Before we went to the National Dinosaur Museum, we went up Telstra Tower and saw the view.
Telstra Tower
Lake Burley Griffin from the Telstra Tower.
The National Dinosaur Museum was amazing. The Russian trilobite specimen Isabel has pictured above is one of the finest in the world. Someone has extracted it from the surrounding rock so that it just sits on a small pedestal. Brilliant!

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm Yass, I remember Yass. Whatever you do don't drink the tap water and stay well away from the Cassowaries by the sound of it.
