Monday 25 May 2015

Tuesday 19th May - Murrumbateman

Tuesday 19th May

On Tuesday we went to the deep space commuinycation complex.
This is 1 of the big dishes.
We watched a vidoe on space. We Dressed up like an Astronorte.
This is me dressed up as an asronort.
We also saw a real moon rock.
This is real moon rock.
I leant that gold is used on space iqumentmit.
This is a life size Mars rover.
We saw three giant dishs the dishs talk to deep space.

Mum's note:
Today we moved on from Cooma to Murrumbateman. We are hoping for some warmer nights! It has been nearly -6ยบC the last two nights! Brrrrrrrr.
At the Deep Space Communication Complex we also found out that there really is a planet with two suns (similar to the fictitious planet of Tatooine), saw food that astronauts eat
Mmmm. Yummy space food. Just add water.
and an explanation of what happens to human waste during space travel. Apparently this is the single most common question asked about space travel! So, if you don't want to know, look away now......

Tip #1: Don't eat space ice...... Liquid waste is flushed straight out to space where it freezes instantly.
Tip #2: Don't look in returned luggage..... solid waste is bagged and returned to earth. The details are nasty.
Now you don't have to pester those poor astronauts with that question.


  1. Well I'll be passing on the yellow moon rocks from now on thanks.

    Do you know why there is a tablet on the front of most of the space food packets? Is it part of the meal or something like a vitamin supplement?

    1. Hi Uncle Paul. We have no idea. I don't remember there being any explanation about the tablets. xxx Mummy.
