Tuesday 5 May 2015

Sunday 3rd May - Clunes

Sunday 3rd May

On Sunday morning we went to Church it was 53min drive because we got lost along the way. It was ment to be a 10min drive. When eventually we got to Church Caleb and I went to jaffa.(which is kids Church.) I also made a new friend called Jasmine. 

After Church we went to a book Fair I bourt lots of books. After I bourt all those books we went to a traditional Punch and Judy pupet show.

Mum's note:
We were lucky enough to go to the annual Clunes Book Festival. Clunes is one of 17 international book towns. Isabel also enjoyed the hay-bale maze and the street organ. She was allowed to request a song and she chose Puff the Magic Dragon.

The street organ.

Here is a short snippet of the music from the street organ showing the music programs being fed through.

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