Friday 15 May 2015

Wednesday 13th May - Genoa

Wednesday 13th May

On Wednesday we went on a heritage walk but before we hardly got any where I found a pelican feather.

 Later on the walk we found a GIANT fungus. On the way back Dad put his sun-glarses on the GIANT fungus the fungus looked like Grug.

Mum's note:
The historic walk was around the township and surrounds of Genoa. Other features were an old bridge that is not strong enough for highway traffic anymore but makes a great structure for tyre swings, and the old Genoa school which is closed but has playground equipment similar to what Isabel's mum and dad both had at their schools.

Very apt perhaps? Oh no, not more history, Mum..... 

We also found out that there are fossilised footprints in the river bed here that are thought to belong to a creature called Tetrapod. According to the plaque attached: "Tetrapods were the first animals to evolve on the land from water" and maybe looked like this.....

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